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In order to become Instagram famous, you have to learn the rules of the game. The thing is, Instagram has a few magic tricks up its sleeve. And you know that magicians never reveal their secrets. Luckily, we at IG Model were not afraid to dig deeper into the secret chambers of this world called Instagram. If you, too, want to look behind the curtain and rule over Instagram you might want to consider reading what we’ve found out, and that might actually work in favor of your Instagram famousness.
Here comes our guide!

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You can’t achieve anything in life if you don’t have a clear vision of what your goals are. Same goes for Instagram. Once you define your purpose, it gets much easier to grab your holy grail. You won’t believe the satisfaction of achieving a goal. As an aspiring IG model, your Instagram profile must be in sync with your wishes. This way you’ll stay motivated whenever you take a peek at your profile. Oh, and if some agency stumbles upon your feed, they’ll know that you want to be Instastar – you are sending a clear message! This could be a win-win situation.


Two is a company, three is a crowd, and four is a PARTEEEY! It’s about time you get this party started. You need any follower you can get. Instagram is all about increasing your media presence. If you know how to market yourself, you can gain a lot of attention. They say there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but you have to be extra careful with this. While publicity as such means people will hear about you, you have a target audience here.

Follow influential models like Kendall Jenner, Adriana Lima, Gigi Hadid. You can learn a thing or two from these beauties. However, keep in mind that copying exactly what they’re doing won’t get you far. Learn some tricks, but add your own touch.

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Never be afraid to press the follow button. The more hearts you give, the more you will receive back. This is not something that we came up with; it’s how the Universe works. We’re simply suggesting you try this universal rule on Instagram.


If you are serious about becoming an IG model, dropping posts from nowhere will get you exactly there – nowhere! Being an Instagram model is not a hobby; it’s a legitimate business just like every other. That’s why you should treat it with utter professionalism and dedication. The most efficient way to run a business is through proper management. Planning and scheduling are one of the most important aspects of management as a process. That’s exactly what you should do with your content. There are different services that allow you to schedule your posts in advance. We strongly recommend you try some of them!

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A magician may never reveal his tricks, but everything we discover we share with you. If your goal is to become Instafamous, our goal is to support you on your journey. A friend in need is a friend indeed! You have a friend in IGModel.


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