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Top 10 Photographers On Instagram From California

Instagram has made us all into photographers; however, there a still a few people out there especially talented in capturing the magnificent things around us on camera. We all can see wonderful things happening around us but not all of us have what it takes to capture that very moment. A great image requires much more than a good filter; it requires the right colors, perfect timing, and the right perspective – all of which these 10 photographers have mastered.



1. Sean Ryan Pierce

After seeing this you might want to add Malibu Beach to one of your must see places. Sean Ryan Pierce is a master when it comes to capturing the natural essence of nature. His series entitled “The Backs of Strangers Overlooking New York City”, is a clear depiction of his exceptional skills.



2. Pete Halvorsen

Pete shares genuine relationships, authenticity, expressions, and nature through photographs. This image captioned “walking on sunshine”, really gives the illusion that you can be bigger than the world around you.



3. Mat Abad

Photographer Mat Abad may have the best job yet. He regularly gets to photograph beautiful women, such as: Tiana Gregory, Emily Sears, and Amanda Cerny; in the most picturesque locations.



4. Sumaya Al Marzouqi

With 10 years of experience in photography; Sumaya can express his thoughts, feelings, and creativity through photographs. He has completed several portraits and macro shots, a few of which can be seen on his Instagram.



5. Scott Backen

This photo is another example that shows that being a photography is not simply just about knowing how to use a camera. Scott Backen is a talented landscape photographer who is driven by his desire to inspire people all around the world.



6. Tyson Edwards

Tyson Edwards loves to takes his followers on great adventures by sharing intricate photos of places that they may have only otherwise seen in a beautiful dream.



7. Robin May Fleming

Robin’s Instagram is unique because it’s not just a place where he shares stunning photographs, it’s also a place where he shares his love story with his wife Robin Coe.



8. Jared Chambers

Jared is a lifestyle photographer who is always looking for new masterpieces in his surroundings when not at work. He has worked on capturing the essence for major companies like Nike.



9. Connor Mcsheffrey

Connor can eliminate any distracting elements in the environment to highlight the subject of his photographs. He went from being a web designer to a photographer because of his artistic mindset and adventurous nature. Its evident that he made the right choice.



10. Kyle Kuiper

Kyle’s love for photography goes all the way back to the 8th grade when he held his first camera. It’s no surprise that a road and vegetation looks so imaginative in his work. His great work has earned him thousands of followers.

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