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Top 10 Male Fitness Models On Instagram From Miami


Forget about crowded gyms and long workout DVDs, these guys have reinvented the fitness community. Their Instagram accounts are filled with with inspirational posts so that anyone can sneak a peek into the life of fitness veterans. Check out our list of the 10 hottest fitness guys on Instagram from Miami. They’re buff in all the right places and make every gym outfit look sexy.




1. Ramses Principe

Just look at those arms! Which girl wouldn’t love to have them wrapped around her? However, for Ramses staying fit isn’t all about being popular with the ladies. He is a personal trainer and online coach who has helped transform many people from fat to muscle.





2. Matt Wismer

If you’re looking for the right push to leave the couch and head to the gym, you should certainly check out Matt’s Instagram.  He’s a nutritionist who’s trained celebrities and he’s literally the epitome of what he preaches. What’s not to like?





3. Justin Reynolds

Justin’s body might be intimidating but with a face that gorgeous you’ll find yourself frequenting his Instagram. He’s an athletic trainer, singer, and a dancer with a jovial side. Plus he’s sexy – but you already knew that.



4. Reggie Harvey

You certainly will enjoy seeing Reggie squat or lift weights in his Instagram images or short video clips. He regularly flaunts his chiseled abs and toned physique to his followers and if that’s not motivation, we don’t know what is.




5. Shaun

There are so many guys that we could have placed on this list. However, judging by how effortlessly Shaun makes lifting weights look, we’ve decided to name him our “man crush.” Oh and he also regularly posts pictures of nutritious meals that will leave you drooling all the way to the farmers’ market.




6.  Tomas

Tomas is a whole lotta muscles and a whole lotta sexy but much of his popularity is due to the success of his 90 day transformation program and his customized carb cycle plans. His account is filled with before and after pictures of clients who, judging from their broad smiles, seem to be satisfied.





7. Anthony Mainella

Anthony is a personal trainer and model with legs that deserve their own Instagram account. His huge legs and firm chest make him highly desirable. Simply put, his body is just so delicious…yum.  






8. Garret Fisher

You might get the urge to touch his muscles to check if they’re. However, by looking at his Instagram postings, it’s safe to assume Garret had to put in some work to accomplish his perfectly symmetrical abs. If you ever need a fitness model to put on display; we recommend him.





9. Hivog

Define your body, define your life, define yourself,” this is the message that he sends to his thousands onf Instagram followers. Hivog is a fitness trainer who also loves to do acrobatics. Although it has earned him a few visits to the hospital, his body still never falls short of perfect.





10. Anthony Burruto

Anthony’s has one of the most inspirational Instagram accounts that we’ve ever come across. Despite having his legs amputated at 16 and being cut from the baseball team at DR Phillips High, he pushed to achieve his dream. He’s an athlete, powerlifter, bodybuilder, motivational speaker, and certainly a hero for many people. We’re just amazed by his success.


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