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Top 10 Food Fashionistas On Instagram From America

Instagram is undoubtedly a VIP pass for behind the scenes footage of what’s trending in the fashion community.  It’s our favorite place to go window shopping for accessories, as well as delicious cuisine that we would love to try at home. Luckily these food fashionistas have us covered. From healthy appetizers to mouthwatering deserts. They have it all. Keep reading to find out who’s posting the most “edible” photos. 



1. Yumna

Yumna’s Instagram account is a colorful display of healthy meals from her daily menu. The best part is that she is not afraid to share her secret recipes with her millions of followers. Don’t feel bad if you end up calling her Yummy!



2. Olivia Ku

If you’re a fan of Asian cuisine or just delicious meals in general, you’ll love Olivia’s Instagram account. The YouTuber is always busy posting new and exciting photos of food when she’s not busy in the kitchen. The good thing about her recipes is that they are mainly budget friendly. 



3. Laura Wolfe

If you haven’t grabbed Laura’s cookbook, Lolacooks, then you’re missing out on some delicious treats. The book consists of some of her favorite savory vegan recipes; including smoothies, desserts, and raw food.



4. Johaa Ortiz

You can’t help but droll when you visit Johaa’s Instagram account. From fruit yogurts to delicious muffins, she will have you running to your kitchen. She is a big supporter of gluten free meals and organic produce.  She has also added nutritionist and publicist to her resume.



5. Janik Brisbane

Janik is a personal trainer who values eating right as much as he values working out. However his main goal is to “help people rather than train them.” His daily meal pics are just as satisfying as seeing him at the gym.



6. Casey Rose

Every time she posts a picture on Instagram, Casey proves that healthy doesn’t have to be boring. She is a fitness and nutrition enthusiast who overcame her childhood stomach issues and Celiac disease by reinventing her diet. You may want to emulate her.



7. Tiffany

Tiffany loves a challenge, which explains why she always eager to try out new recipes. Judging from her Instagram images, we can assume everything she touches turns to gold. We’re not sure about you but we’ve been dying to try her Tomato Chicken Rollups.



8. Saber

Saber can probably convince any meat lover to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Her recipes are all bout “nourishing the skin and mind” but we can’t help but think about the growling in our stomach when we look at her delicious posts on Instagram.



9. Brittne Jackson

Brittne is a health coach who seems to be eating and doing everything right based on her perfect figure. She offers online training programs in which she provides tasty recipes and tips on how to shop for food healthily.



10. Krystelle F. Gratziani

This chef is always cooking up something new to share with her Instagram follows. She frequently posts health tips and a variety of plant-based dishes to her account. It’s certainly something to look forward to everyday. 

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